Funding Insights

Wellness Grants for Schools 2024 – Promoting Health and Wellness Initiatives.

Find out opportunities surrounding wellness grants for schools to enhance their wellness programs through grants tailored to support initiatives promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being among students and staff. Explore funding options and resources to foster a healthier learning environment.

Wellness Grants for Schools refers to financial aid or funding opportunities specifically designed to support initiatives aimed at promoting health and well-being within educational institutions. These grants are typically targeted towards implementing various programs and activities that enhance physical fitness, mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness among students, teachers, and staff members.

Such initiatives may include establishing wellness clubs, implementing healthier meal options, organizing fitness activities, providing mental health resources, and creating supportive environments conducive to well-being. These grants play a vital role in enabling schools to prioritize and invest in the holistic development and health of their communities.

Wellness Grants for Schools
Wellness Grants for Schools

Wellness Grant Opportunities for Schools

Action for Healthy Kids-Kellogg’s School Breakfast to School Wellness Partnership

This program enhances engagement in school breakfast and physical activity initiatives by offering strategic guidance and financial backing to expand programs district-wide.

Approximately 1,000 schools will receive annual grants ranging from $500 to $5,000. Additionally, schools will benefit from specialized support and manpower to facilitate the implementation of impactful projects, fostering lasting transformation.

Applications are expected during the summer, with awarded schools notified in the fall. Mid-project reports are due by December, and final project reports are required the following May.

Build-A-Bear Workshop Foundation Fund

They provide grants to eligible organizations dedicated to promoting children’s health and wellness.

Grants consist of a one-time contribution ranging from $1,000 to $5,000.

Carol M. White Physical Education Program (PEP) Grant

They Launch, broaden, and enhance physical education initiatives across K-12 school settings. Recipients are required to introduce programs facilitating student advancement towards meeting state physical education standards, with a focus on three-year projects.

A funding pool ranging from $100,000 to $750,000 is accessible.

Applications are expected annually each spring.

Fuel Up To Play 60

They promote engagement in the Fuel Up to Play 60 program and optimize involvement in the National School Lunch Program.

Eligible K-12 schools enrolled in Fuel Up to Play 60 can access up to $4,000 per year to initiate healthy initiatives. To qualify for this competitive nationwide funding program, schools must actively participate in the National School Lunch Program and appoint a registered program advisor.

KaBoom! Playground grants

This program fosters active involvement from citizens and civic leaders dedicated to innovating accessibility, quality, and quantity of play and play spaces for children.

KaBOOM! Playground Grant collaborates with KaBOOM! and their corporate partners to introduce outdoor play in your community. Secure $8,500 designated for playground equipment.

Build it Yourself Playground Grant initiates a new self-guided playground project with funding available for playground equipment, receiving up to $15,000.

Creative Play Grant embraces creativity, communication, and collaboration in play with custom-built loose parts from Imagination Playground and Rigamajig.

Lowe’s Toolbox for Education

They facilitate the construction of improved schools and communities, prioritizing proposals with lasting impacts, such as facility enhancements.

Grants range from $2,000 to $5,000.

Wellness Grants for Schools
Wellness Grants for Schools

SEE ALSO: NetVUE Grants for Institutional Growth 2024.

National PTA & Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation

Equip PTA regions, districts, and councils with the necessary tools and resources to educate families with children aged 3-5, while fostering partnerships with local neighborhood communities to enhance awareness of energy balance. Ten grants of $10,000 each are available to PTA regions, districts, and councils.

Oliver Foundation

Granted to Texas-based non-profit organizations, agencies, and schools serving Pre-School, Elementary, and Middle School children, prioritizing those with the most significant need and potential for sustainable impact on children’s nutrition and activity levels through incentive programs. Amounts range from $750 to $3,000 per individual or campus-wide application.

Rolling application deadlines: April 15th, July 15th, and October 15th.

Presidential Youth Fitness Program

Establishes a blueprint for fitness education within a comprehensive, high-quality physical education curriculum. Equips physical educators with resources and tools to elevate their fitness education methods. The General Mills Foundation has pledged $10 million over six years to facilitate the implementation of the Presidential Youth Fitness Program in schools nationwide. Public and private schools with certified physical education instructors are eligible to apply. However, PreK/K schools or those exclusively serving students in grades K-2 or K-3 are ineligible.

This opportunity will cover 100% of the expenses for items outlined in the application, with an average budget proposal of approximately $2,500.

Team Nutrition Training Grants and Healthier US School Challenge

It facilitates the adoption of USDA’s nutrition standards and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans in meals provided at schools and child care facilities.

Grants range from $500 to $2,000.

Applications are accepted from March through May.

United Way of Greater Houston

They provide one-time, short-term funding to non-profit organizations serving Harris, Fort Bend, Montgomery, or Waller Counties for projects that contribute to community well-being.

Grants range from $1,000 to $10,000.

Attendance at a Community Building Grants funding conference within the current calendar year is mandatory before applying for the grant. During the conference, participants will receive grant details, including instructions on submitting proposals through United Way’s online grant management system.

USDA Farm to School Grant

Aid eligible entities in implementing farm to school programs to enhance access to local foods in eligible schools. Annually, funding is allocated for training, operational support, planning, equipment procurement, school garden development, partnership establishment, and farm to school program implementation.

Grants can reach up to $5 million.

Walmart State Giving Program

Offers grants to nonprofits catering to underserved populations, aligning with the Walmart Foundation’s priority areas, including Hunger Relief & Healthy Eating.

Grants range from $25,000 to $250,000.

For Texas, utilize Application Cycles 1 (January-February) and 3 (June-July).

Wellness Grants for Schools
Wellness Grants for Schools

Conclusion on Wellness Grants for Schools.

These grant programs serve as invaluable resources for organizations and schools seeking to make a positive impact in their communities. By providing financial support, resources, and guidance, these initiatives empower recipients to implement innovative projects and programs that address critical needs such as nutrition, fitness education, access to local foods, and community development.

Through collaboration and dedication, these efforts contribute to building healthier, more vibrant, and inclusive communities for all.

Frequently asked questions about Wellness Grants for Schools.

1. What are wellness grants for schools?

Wellness grants for schools are financial aids or funding opportunities specifically designed to support initiatives aimed at promoting health and well-being within educational institutions.

2. How can schools benefit from wellness grants?

Schools can benefit from wellness grants by implementing various programs and activities that enhance physical fitness, mental health, nutrition, and overall wellness among students, teachers, and staff members.

3. Who provides wellness grants for schools?

Wellness grants for schools can be provided by various organizations, including government agencies, foundations, non-profit organizations, and private companies.

4. What types of initiatives do wellness grants support?

Wellness grants support a wide range of initiatives, including establishing wellness clubs, implementing healthier meal options, organizing fitness activities, providing mental health resources, creating supportive environments, and more.

5. How can schools apply for wellness grants?

Schools can typically apply for wellness grants by submitting an application to the granting organization or foundation, outlining their proposed wellness initiatives, budget requirements, and expected outcomes.

6. Are there deadlines for applying for wellness grants?

Yes, most wellness grant programs have specific application deadlines, which can vary depending on the granting organization. It’s essential for schools to check the application deadlines and requirements well in advance.

7. What are the eligibility criteria for wellness grants?

Eligibility criteria for wellness grants can vary depending on the granting organization and the specific grant program. Generally, schools must be able to demonstrate a need for funding and a commitment to implementing wellness initiatives that align with the grant’s objectives.

8. How much funding can schools receive from wellness grants?

The amount of funding schools can receive from wellness grants varies widely depending on the grant program. Grants may range from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the scope and scale of the proposed wellness initiatives.


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