Funding Insights

NetVUE Grants for Institutional Growth 2024.

Uncover the diverse range of NetVUE grants tailored to member institutions, empowering student programming and fostering faculty and staff development. With funding options from $12,000 to over $100,000, discover how these grants support vocational exploration and discernment while administered by the Council of Independent Colleges with backing from Lilly Endowment Inc.

NetVUE provides member institutions with diverse grants aimed at enhancing student programming and facilitating professional development for faculty and staff. These grants, which span from one to four years, offer funding ranging from $12,000 to over $100,000. Tailored to each institution’s unique needs and capacities, the grant programs accommodate varying levels of involvement in vocational exploration and discernment. Administered by the Council of Independent Colleges, NetVUE grants receive generous backing from Lilly Endowment Inc.

NetVUE Grants
NetVUE Grants

NetVUE Grants

Nurturing Pathways: NetVUE Grants for Vocational Exploration

Deadline: April 5, 2024

In today’s academic landscape, bridging the gap between philosophical inquiry and practical career preparation is paramount. NetVUE’s “Vocation across the Academy Grants” serve as a beacon, empowering colleges and universities to enrich their educational frameworks. These grants aim to fortify the connection between students’ quest for a philosophy of life and their readiness for the professional realm.

This grant program is meticulously crafted to bolster institutions in expanding vocational exploration and discernment initiatives across both curricular and co-curricular domains. Its objectives are multifaceted which includes:

(a) to foster robust links between personal philosophy and career readiness among students;

(b) to engage a broader spectrum of faculty and students in vocational exploration and discernment endeavors; and

(c) to forge meaningful partnerships with local businesses, nonprofits, and community organizations.

Proposals within this program may concentrate on upper-level undergraduates, lower-division studies, or both. Of particular interest are proposals that seamlessly weave vocational exploration throughout the undergraduate journey, spanning from freshman orientation to senior capstone projects and permeating various academic disciplines and applied fields.

As an optional endeavor within this grant program, the “Vocation across the Academy Community Partnerships” initiative seeks to realize similar objectives through collaborations with local entities. By fostering partnerships with businesses, nonprofits, and community organizations, this initiative strives to intricately intertwine students’ vocational exploration with their professional and career preparation endeavors. Proposals submitted under this special initiative stand eligible for supplementary funding, amplifying their potential impact.

Funding Plan and Potential Programming:

NetVUE Vocation across the Academy Grants offer three years of funding for projects spanning four years. Institutions can request up to $30,000 for the first year and are required to secure third-party matching gifts equal to the initial grant amount by the end of the first year. These matching funds support activities proposed for the second and third years.

Once the matching requirement is met, the institution receives an additional amount from CIC equal to the initial award for use during the second and third years. Therefore, the total funding from CIC and third-party sources can amount to up to $90,000 over the three-year grant period. These grants aim to enhance the institution’s capacity to sustain a higher level of vocation-related activities.

Proposals under the special “Community Partnerships” initiative of this grant may include an additional request of $5,000 for a total of $35,000 for the first year. This larger amount is also eligible for a matching-grant bonus. If third-party funds are raised in full, the institution receives an additional amount from CIC equal to the original award, potentially totaling up to $35,000. Therefore, for this special initiative, the total funding from CIC and third-party sources can be up to $105,000 over the three-year grant period.

Allowable expenses include faculty or staff released time for designing new courses, workshops or retreats for faculty members and staff, purchase of reading materials and resources, and funding for student events led by faculty members or campus leaders. While grants can cover various expenses, they cannot replace existing faculty and staff costs related to vocational exploration. However, additional buyouts of faculty and staff time may be included as part of the grant. Certain expenses are ineligible for grant support, as outlined in the Grant Budget Guidelines. In general, grants should offset one-time costs for programming and professional development to achieve project objectives.

CIC has awarded 80 grants in the first six rounds of the NetVUE Vocation across the Academy grant program.


All institutions affiliated with NetVUE are eligible for these grants, provided they do not currently hold another NetVUE grant (except for an Institutional Saga grant or a Grant for Fostering Leadership for Faith Communities) at the time of application. Additionally, any previous NetVUE grant must have been concluded (with a submitted report) before the proposal deadline. Institutions previously awarded a Vocation across the Academy Grant are eligible only if three years have elapsed between the spending deadline of the previous grant and the proposed grant’s start date.

Proposals are typically due in the spring, with funding decisions announced in early summer for projects starting in July. Grantees are required to submit an interim report, documenting the donor match, well before the end of the first year of the grant. Additional reports are due after each year of the project.

NetVUE Grants
NetVUE Grants

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NetVUE Professional Development Awards

Deadline: April 12, 2024

Within the realm of NetVUE, member colleges and universities demonstrate unwavering dedication to fostering vocational exploration among students through campus initiatives. However, numerous campus leaders within the NetVUE community have identified a crucial gap: the need for supplementary funding to bolster the professional growth of staff and faculty members. Recognizing that institutional budgets are often stretched thin, allocating resources for professional development opportunities becomes challenging. In response to this imperative, NetVUE introduces the Professional Development Awards, aimed at bridging this gap and empowering institutions to enhance their vocational exploration programming.

The NetVUE Professional Development Awards cater to a wide spectrum of needs, offering funding ranging from $8,000 to $12,000 for one-year initiatives geared towards enhancing the expertise of faculty and staff pivotal to undergraduate vocational initiatives. These grants are instrumental in fostering vibrant campus dialogues around vocation while equipping leaders within NetVUE member institutions with the necessary skills to deepen their engagement in vocational exploration efforts.

Additionally, a special initiative within this grant program, emphasizing diversity, equity, and inclusion, allows for proposals of up to $15,000. While the funds can be utilized for various purposes, they are not intended to supplant existing faculty and staff expenses allocated towards vocational exploration activities.

Examples of eligible expenses include organizing reading groups, facilitating faculty/staff retreats, or hosting guest speakers. The funds may cover expenses such as travel, meals, materials, and modest stipends. However, certain expenses are ineligible for grant support, and detailed guidelines can be found in the Grant Budget Guidelines. Generally, grants are designed to offset one-time costs associated with professional development activities.

In previous cycles of this program, CIC has awarded 218 grants to NetVUE member institutions. Although the number of grants awarded annually has fluctuated, recent years have seen between 20 to 40 grants bestowed upon deserving recipients.


NetVUE member colleges and universities are invited to apply for funding, with the condition that they are not current recipients of a NetVUE Vocation across the Academy Grant or Program Development Grant. Additionally, institutions must ensure that any previously-awarded NetVUE Professional Development Award concluded at least three full years before the grant spending period commences. The disbursal of funds occurs in early July, earmarked for utilization throughout one academic year.

For institutions aspiring to access this grant but are not yet members, they have the opportunity to join the network, thereby becoming eligible for this funding opportunity.

NetVUE Grants for Institutional Reflection

Many member colleges and universities within NetVUE boast rich historical legacies rooted in specific religious traditions, educational philosophies, or visionary educators. While these foundational elements hold significance, their relevance may become obscured amidst shifts in institutional demographics, community dynamics, and affiliations. Such transformations can impact various facets of the institution, including student enrollment, academic curriculum, and faculty composition. The aim of this grant initiative is to empower institutions to craft a contemporary narrative that illuminates their history and mission within the context of their evolving landscape.

Grants are available with funding up to $40,000, designated for a two-year term. Proposals should concentrate on reassessing and reshaping the institution’s commitments, striking a balance between its historical legacy, identity, and heritage while acknowledging present realities. This introspective process aims to articulate the connection between the institution’s past inheritance and the vocational pathways shaping its present and future trajectory.

Recipients are expected to produce enduring products by the end of the grant period, such as a book (whether a monograph or a collection of essays), a permanent campus exhibit with a printed catalog, or another tangible record reflecting the outcomes of campus dialogues, critical analysis, and reframing endeavors. These enduring products may be supplemented by digital or electronic resources, amplifying the project’s reach and impact.

While funds can be allocated for various purposes, they should not replace existing faculty and staff expenses related to vocational exploration activities. However, additional buyouts of faculty and staff time for crafting an updated institutional narrative may be included as part of the grant. Allowable expenses encompass released time or stipends for researchers and writers collaborating on the project, leadership coordination, support for retreats, workshops, and provision of reading materials and resources during the grant period.

Detailed guidelines on eligible expenses are provided in the Grant Budget Guidelines. Generally, grants are intended to offset one-time costs associated with the process of reframing the institutional narrative and creating enduring written products reflecting thorough research and the outcomes of this process.

In previous cycles, CIC has awarded 62 grants to NetVUE member institutions, underscoring the program’s commitment to fostering institutional reflection and revitalization.


NetVUE member institutions that have not previously completed or currently hold a Grant for Reframing the Institutional Saga are eligible to apply for this award. While institutions may concurrently hold other NetVUE grants, it is imperative to ensure that resources are appropriately allocated to facilitate the success of all projects. In cases where multiple grants are held, applications must demonstrate sufficient staffing and resource distribution, often necessitating distinct leadership teams for each supported program.

The official Invitation for Applications for this grant program typically emerges in the spring, with applications slated for submission in late summer. Proposal evaluations occur in the fall, followed by prompt notifications to applicants regarding the outcome. Disbursement of the initial funding installment typically transpires in February for the first year of the grant term, with the remaining funds disbursed the subsequent February, contingent upon the submission and approval of an interim report. All spending must be concluded within the allocated two-year timeframe of the grant.

NetVUE Program Development Grants

NetVUE Program Development Grants assist colleges and universities affiliated with NetVUE in enhancing vocational exploration activities for students. Recognizing the commitment of these institutions to such initiatives, Lilly Endowment Inc. has allocated funding to CIC for this purpose. NetVUE members aim to strengthen and broaden their existing programs with even modest grant support, as observed by many campus leaders.

The Funding Plan and Potential Programming for NetVUE Program Development Grants allow institutions to request funding ranging from $40,000 to $60,000 over two years. This funding aims to enhance existing vocational exploration programs. Proposals may include various initiatives such as supporting course design, fostering collaboration among faculty and staff, and integrating vocational reflection into curricula.

While grants can cover a range of expenses, they cannot substitute existing faculty and staff costs related to vocational exploration. However, proposals may include partial buyouts of faculty and staff time for new programming. Certain expenses are ineligible for grant support, as outlined in the Grant Budget Guidelines. Generally, grants should address one-time costs of program development and implementation. Previous rounds of this program saw CIC awarding over 200 grants to NetVUE member institutions.

Eligibility Criteria:

Colleges and universities affiliated with NetVUE are eligible to apply for funding if they meet the following criteria:

1. They do not currently hold a NetVUE Vocation across the Academy Grant or NetVUE Professional Development Award.

2. If they have previously received a NetVUE Program Development Grant, spending must have been completed at least three years before the start of the new grant period.

An Invitation for Applications for this grant program is typically released in the spring, with applications due in the fall. Proposals undergo review in late fall or early winter, with applicants receiving notification shortly thereafter. Funding is usually distributed in two installments: the first half in May for the upcoming academic year, and the remaining funds the following May, following the submission and approval of an interim report.

NetVUE Grants
NetVUE Grants

NetVUE Grants for Fostering Leadership for Communities of Faith

NetVUE Grants for Fostering Leadership for Communities of Faith aim to support NetVUE member colleges and universities in enhancing programming and mentorship opportunities for students exploring potential leadership roles within faith communities. Recognizing the importance of intentional programming and mentoring in higher education, this grant program allocates funding to institutions striving to facilitate students’ exploration and discernment of their vocational callings.

The grant funds are intended to be utilized for the development or expansion of initiatives aimed at supporting students as they engage with local faith communities and navigate their vocational journeys. This may involve the creation of new programs or the enhancement of existing ones, as well as professional development opportunities for faculty and staff. The overarching goal is to foster connections between students and nearby faith communities while providing them with the necessary support and guidance to explore and discern their callings.

Initiatives funded by these grants may be implemented within various academic departments and campus offices, and collaboration with leaders from one or more faith communities in the vicinity of the campus is encouraged. By investing in such initiatives, institutions aim to empower students to explore their potential roles as leaders within communities of faith, thereby enriching their overall educational experience and personal development.

Current Status:

NetVUE Grants for Fostering Leadership for Communities of Faith are available for institutions seeking funding ranging from $25,000 to $40,000 over two years. This funding is designated for either developing new programs or enhancing existing ones that support students in exploring leadership vocations within faith communities.

The programming aims to cultivate students’ leadership abilities, including fostering connections between students and specific faith communities. Proposals should encompass a variety of initiatives for student leadership development, with an emphasis on involving students with nearby faith communities. Preference will be given to proposals incorporating efforts related to justice, diversity, equity, or reconciliation.

While funds can be allocated for various purposes, they cannot replace existing faculty and staff costs related to vocational exploration. Capital expenditures, new personnel lines, equipment purchases, and indirect costs are ineligible for grant support and are the responsibility of the institution. Grants are intended to offset one-time costs associated with program development and implementation.


All colleges and universities affiliated with NetVUE are eligible to apply for funding. Institutions currently holding other NetVUE grants may still apply; however, the application must ensure sufficient staffing and resources for all projects to thrive. Typically, this entails distinct leadership teams overseeing each supported program.

Institutions not currently members of NetVUE can join the network to become eligible for this grant opportunity.

Conclusion on NetVue Grants

NetVUE grants offer valuable opportunities for member institutions to enhance vocational exploration and leadership development initiatives within their communities. With careful consideration of eligibility criteria, funding plans, and potential programming, institutions can leverage these grants to support students in their journey towards discerning their callings and engaging with communities of faith.

By fostering connections, promoting collaboration, and investing in professional development, these grants empower institutions to create lasting impacts on the lives of their students and the wider community.

Frequently Asked Questions on NetVue Grants.

1. What are NetVUE grants?

NetVUE grants are funding opportunities provided by the Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education (NetVUE) to member colleges and universities. These grants support initiatives related to vocational exploration, leadership development, and community engagement within higher education institutions.

2. Who is eligible to apply for NetVUE grants?

NetVUE grants are available to colleges and universities that are members of the Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education (NetVUE). Eligibility criteria may vary depending on the specific grant program, but generally, member institutions in good standing with NetVUE are eligible to apply.

3. What types of projects do NetVUE grants support?

NetVUE grants support a wide range of projects aimed at enhancing vocational exploration, leadership development, and community engagement among undergraduate students. Projects may include developing new programs, strengthening existing initiatives, facilitating partnerships with community organizations, and providing faculty and staff training.

4. How much funding do NetVUE grants provide?

The amount of funding provided by NetVUE grants varies depending on the specific grant program and the scope of the project. Grant amounts may range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, and funding may be provided for one-time costs, ongoing expenses, or both.

5. Are there any restrictions on how NetVUE grant funds can be used?

While NetVUE grants offer flexibility in how funds can be utilized, there may be some restrictions depending on the grant program. Generally, grant funds cannot be used for capital expenditures, new personnel lines, equipment purchases, or indirect costs. Additionally, funds cannot be used to substitute for faculty and staff costs that the institution is already providing for its vocational exploration activities.

6. How do I apply for a NetVUE grant?

The application process for NetVUE grants typically involves submitting a proposal that outlines the project’s goals, objectives, budget, and timeline. Specific application instructions and deadlines are usually provided by NetVUE, and applicants are encouraged to review the guidelines carefully before applying.

7. When are decisions made on NetVUE grant applications?

Decision timelines for NetVUE grant applications may vary depending on the specific grant program and the review process. Generally, decisions are made within a few months of the application deadline, and applicants are notified of the outcome shortly thereafter.

8. Are there reporting requirements for recipients of NetVUE grants?

Yes, recipients of NetVUE grants are typically required to submit periodic reports on the progress of their projects, including documentation of any matching funds or partnerships secured. Interim and final reports may be due at specific intervals throughout the grant period, and compliance with reporting requirements is essential for continued funding support.

These FAQs provide a general overview of NetVUE grants and their application process. For more detailed information, interested parties are encouraged to consult the specific grant guidelines provided by NetVUE.


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