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Northeast Dutchess Immigrant Services | Guiding Light for Support & Leadership

Discover Northeast Dutchess Immigrant Services (NEDIS), your guiding light for direct support, leadership development, and community engagement. Navigate the offerings, services, and community impact as this article illuminates the path for immigrants in Northeast Dutchess County.

Northeast Dutchess Immigrant Services (NEDIS) is a non-profit organization serving the primarily rural immigrant community in Northeast Dutchess County, New York. Founded in 2005 and formerly known as Grace Latino/Immigrant Outreach by Grace Episcopal Church, Millbrook, NY, NEDIS aims to be a guiding light of direct support, leadership development, and education for all immigrant communities in the area.

Table of Contents

Services Offered by NEDIS:

  • Case management and referral services: NEDIS provides case management services to help immigrants navigate the complex world of legal requirements, access to healthcare, and other social services. They also provide referrals to other organizations that can provide additional assistance.
  • Access to culturally correct food: NEDIS operates a food pantry that provides culturally appropriate food to needy immigrant families. This is especially important in a rural area with limited fresh and healthy food access.
  • English as a New Language (ENL) classes: NEDIS offers ENL classes to help immigrants learn English and improve their communication skills. This is essential for integrating into the community and finding employment.
  • Academic support and mentoring: NEDIS provides academic support and mentoring to immigrant students to help them succeed in school. This includes tutoring, homework help, and college application assistance.
  • Youth leadership development: NEDIS offers programs to help young immigrants develop their leadership skills and civic engagement. This is important for empowering the next generation of community leaders.
  • Community outreach and education: NEDIS conducts community outreach and education programs to raise awareness about the immigrant community’s needs and promote understanding and inclusion.

Impact of NEDIS:

NEDIS has made a significant impact on the lives of immigrants in Northeast Dutchess County. The organization has helped hundreds of immigrants access essential services, learn English, and develop the skills they need to succeed in their new community. NEDIS is a vital resource for the immigrant community, and its work is essential for building a more inclusive and welcoming society.

Here are some additional details about NEDIS that you may find interesting:

  • NEDIS is a small organization with a dedicated staff of just a few people. However, they can serve many clients through the support of volunteers and community partners.
  • NEDIS is funded through various sources, including grants, donations, and fundraising events.
  • NEDIS is located in Millbrook, New York, but serves clients throughout Northeast Dutchess County.

If you want to learn more about NEDIS or volunteer your time or resources, please visit their website at or call them at (917) 705-9600.


Leadership Programs

  • Engaging People in Change (EPIC) Youth Program empowers young people to address social justice issues they care about and find solutions. NEDIS supports their educational and leadership development needs.
  • Policy Advocacy: NEDIS collaborates with local advocacy organizations and individuals to influence policy changes benefiting the immigrant community and society.
  • Immigrant Women’s Leadership Program: This program specifically develops leadership skills and empowers immigrant women to advocate for themselves and their communities.

NEDIS has participated in statewide initiatives alongside other organizations, demonstrating their reach and influence. Their success stories include contributing to the Greenlight Campaign NYS, which expanded driver’s license access for undocumented nonresidents.

NEDIS’ leadership programs focus on:

  • Developing leadership skills: They equip participants with the skills and confidence to advocate for themselves and their communities.
  • Empowering diverse voices: The programs prioritize inclusivity and ensure voices from different backgrounds are heard.
  • Creating positive change: Participants learn to identify and address issues impacting their communities and work towards positive solutions.

Educational Programs

  • English as a New Language (ENL) Classes: NEDIS offers multi-level ENL classes catered to various proficiency levels, enabling non-English speakers to acquire crucial communication skills for daily life and professional success.
  • Academic Mentoring Program: This program provides one-on-one tutoring and personalized academic support for immigrant youth, assisting them in thriving in their educational journeys.
  • College Success Workshops: NEDIS equips youth with the knowledge and tools to navigate the college application process, including essay writing, financial aid guidance, and campus visits.

Additional Services:

  • Literacy Support: NEDIS offers resources and programs promoting literacy development and reading skills for adults and children in the immigrant community.
  • Parent Engagement: They actively engage parents through workshops and resources, empowering them to support their children’s educational growth and navigate the school system.
  • Community Education: NEDIS organizes education sessions and awareness campaigns on relevant topics like cultural competency and educational rights for immigrants.

Impact and Significance:

  • NEDIS’ educational programs empower immigrants to overcome language barriers, excel in their studies, and achieve their academic goals.
  • The organization fosters a supportive learning environment that values diversity and promotes cultural understanding.
  • Their commitment to educational equity plays a vital role in building a more inclusive and successful future for the immigrant community in Northeast Dutchess County.

Outreach programs

1. Case Management and Referral Services:

  • Personalized social work support: NEDIS offers tailored assistance for legal, healthcare, and social service needs, including document translation and connecting individuals with community resources.
  • Information and referrals: Guidance is provided on legal and medical appointments, educational opportunities, and other pertinent services partner organizations offer.

2. Food and Resource Distribution:

  • Weekly pantry distribution: NEDIS distributes staples, fresh produce, frozen meat, and bakery items every Friday evening at the MESA Episcopal Mission in Dover Plains.
  • Partnerships with food pantries: Collaborations with various food pantries expand access to regional resources.
  • Prepared food program: NEDIS, in partnership with Stonewood Farm, provides additional prepared meals from surplus donations during their weekly distributions.

Impact and Significance:

  • NEDIS’ outreach programs ensure access to crucial social services, fostering the well-being and resilience of the immigrant community.
  • Case management services empower individuals to navigate complex systems and connect with vital resources.
  • Food distribution is a lifeline for families facing food insecurity, contributing to improved health and quality of life.

Get Involved

You can contribute to their commendable work supporting Northeast Dutchess County’s immigrant community in various ways. Here’s a breakdown of the options:

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Direct Service: Provide individual or group support in areas like English language tutoring, case management assistance, food pantry distribution, and youth program activities.
  • Administrative Support: Lend your skills in office tasks, social media management, event planning, and fundraising.
  • Community Outreach: Help raise awareness about NEDIS and its services through community events, public speaking, and distribution of promotional materials.

Donation Options:

  • Monetary Donations: Financial contributions of any amount help NEDIS continue its vital programs and services.
  • In-Kind Donations: Contribute essential items like food, clothing, hygiene products, and school supplies for the pantry distribution and other client needs.
  • Fundraise for NEDIS: Organize your fundraising event or campaign to support their mission.

Additional Ways to Support:

  • Spread the Word: Share information about NEDIS on social media, talk to friends and family, and encourage others to get involved.
  • Advocate for Immigrant Rights: Participate in advocacy campaigns and initiatives that support the rights and well-being of immigrants.
  • Stay Informed: Sign up for NEDIS’ newsletter and follow their social media pages to stay updated on their work and volunteer opportunities.

Conclusion on Northeast Dutchess Immigrant Services

Northeast Dutchess County. Established in 2005 and formerly known as Grace Latino/Immigrant Outreach, NEDIS is a dedicated ally, providing essential services to the primarily rural immigrant community in New York. NEDIS offers services ranging from case management and referral to culturally sensitive food distribution, English language classes, and youth empowerment. The impact of NEDIS on the lives of immigrants is profound, ensuring access to critical social services and contributing to building resilient and inclusive communities.

The organization actively participates in statewide campaigns, showcasing its influence and commitment to positive change. The commitment to fostering a supportive learning environment reflects NEDIS’ vision of a more inclusive and successful future for the immigrant community.

Highlighting two major outreach programs – Case Management and Referral Services and Food and Resource Distribution – NEDIS is a lifeline for community well-being. These programs empower individuals, provide essential social services, and contribute to improved quality of life for families facing food insecurity.

In the spirit of community involvement, NEDIS invites you to be the change. Explore volunteer opportunities, contribute through various donation options, and actively support their mission. Beyond direct involvement, advocate for immigrant rights, spread the word on social media, and stay informed through NEDIS’ newsletters and updates.

Embark on this journey with NEDIS – your guiding light and community ally. Visit their website: or contact them at (917) 705-9600 to learn more and contribute to this transformative cause.

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