Funding Insights

Foreclosure Prevention Grant 2024 – Securing Your Home.

Explore vital foreclosure prevention grants to protect your home. Discover how these grants can provide financial relief and stability, with insights into eligibility criteria and proactive measures. Safeguard your homeownership with valuable resources tailored to prevent foreclosure. Act now to secure your home and financial well-being.

Foreclosures pose significant challenges to affected households and can have far-reaching consequences for neighborhoods, including declining property values, heightened blight from abandoned homes, increased municipal service costs, and impacts on neighborhood vibrancy and safety. Recognizing these issues, jurisdictions may consider supporting foreclosure prevention programs, which offer counseling, financial assistance, and public education to assist at-risk homeowners in avoiding foreclosure.

Foreclosure prevention programs aim to aid homeowners facing the risk of losing their homes, often focusing on low- and moderate-income owners. Localities can allocate funds to support HUD-approved housing counseling agencies, facilitating assistance in applying for loan modifications, refinancing, or alternative resolutions like forbearance to prevent foreclosure.

These programs may also back legal services to aid homeowners in foreclosure defense or those victimized by predatory lending or other risky behaviors. Emergency loan programs exist in some jurisdictions to assist borrowers during temporary financial hardships, often as low- or no-interest deferred loans. Additionally, income-based tax abatements, exemptions, and payment plans can address tax delinquency-related foreclosures. Lastly, foreclosure prevention programs play a crucial role in educating homeowners about their rights, obligations, and available assistance.

Foreclosure Prevention Grant
Foreclosure Prevention Grant

Housing Counseling Resource Program (HCRP)

The Housing Counseling Resource Program (HCRP) in Illinois is set to grant funds to housing counseling agencies, intending to broaden services for minority, low-, and moderate-income homebuyers. The program seeks heightened organizational involvement with these demographics through expanded outreach. The funding originates from an allocation by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago. For further details, contact the Community Affairs Department at Information on acquiring an IHDA Mortgage can be found here.

Cook County Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program (CCMFMP)

The Cook County Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program (“CCMFMP”) is designed to assist foreclosure litigants in reaching agreements with lenders for mortgage modifications or graceful exits from properties in foreclosure. The program’s success relies significantly on the housing counseling component, as housing counselors are trained to evaluate an individual’s financial situation and determine the sustainability of a loan modification for the homeowner. This project receives support, either wholly or partially, from federal award number ALN 21.027 granted to Cook County by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

IHDA does not provide direct funding to homeowners. If you’re a homeowner seeking foreclosure prevention assistance, reach out to a housing counselor who can guide you through available options or reach out to them at

Avoiding Mortgage fraud

It’s crucial to be mindful of the existence of foreclosure rescue and mortgage modification scams. Scammers often make false promises, claiming to save your home or reduce your mortgage for a fee. They may falsely assert direct contact with your mortgage servicer. A clear red flag is when someone requests money from you. Remember, legitimate foreclosure assistance should never come with a cost.

Tips to Avoid Scams:

1. Never pay a fee for counseling services or loan modification; scammers often make such requests.

2. Exercise caution when pressured to sign papers hastily, especially if promised home-saving measures.

3. Do not transfer your property deed unless you are working directly with your mortgage company.

4. Obtain mortgage company approval before making payments to anyone.

5. Watch the Foreclosure Rescue Scams Video on the FTC’s YouTube Channel.

6. The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of the Comptroller of the Currency provides tips to avoid scams.

7. The Loan Modification Scam Prevention Network, a coalition by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, NeighborWorks America™, and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, educates homeowners about scams and offers support.

8. Report scams through the campaign’s online complaint form if you believe you’re a victim.

9. The Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force provides resources to find and report suspected financial fraud cases.

10. In Cook County, utilize the free property fraud alert by the Cook County Recorder of Deeds for timely notifications about recorded documents on your property’s Parcel Identification Number (PIN).

Foreclosure Prevention Grant
Foreclosure Prevention Grant

Knowing your rights

If you’re confronting foreclosure, understanding your rights is crucial. Keep in mind that you should never be charged for foreclosure assistance.

The following non-profit organizations provide free legal advice for low-income individuals and seniors:

Resources for Legal Assistance in Illinois:

1. Illinois Attorney General’s Website:

– Provides a summary of homeowners’ rights and lender obligations.

– Offers a referral list of non-profit legal clinics, legal programs in law schools, and private law firms providing pro bono (free) legal services throughout the state.

2. Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance Foundation

3. Catholic Charities Legal Assistance

4. Legal Assistance Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago

5. Prairie State Legal Services:

– Call 888-966-7757, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. to determine eligibility.

6. Illinois Legal Aid:

– Provides videos explaining the foreclosure process and how to work with an attorney.

7. Lawyers’ Committee for Better Housing (For Renters):

– Offers free legal services for renters in foreclosed apartment buildings.

– Helpline: 855-207-8347, with representation available within Cook County.

8. Chicago Volunteer Legal Services:

– Supports pro bono legal representation for the Chicago area’s poor and working poor.

– Assists homeowners in enrolling in forbearances.

– For pro bono legal services, call 312-332-1624 to check eligibility.

Other assistance for homeowners

Utility Assistance

Exploring Utility Assistance Options:

1. ComEd’s Smart Meters Program:

– Digital electric meters provide accurate usage information and eliminate estimated bills.

– Enables customers to access detailed information about electricity usage.

2. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP):

– Assists eligible low-income households in covering winter energy service costs.

3. MeterSave (City of Chicago’s DWM):

– Allows non-metered Chicago homeowners to voluntarily install meters, promoting water conservation and reducing water bills.

4. Warm Neighbors, Cool Friends (Ameren Illinois and Energy Assistance Foundation):

– Collaborative program offering low-cost home weatherization options to moderate-income customers and senior citizens.

5. Citizens Utility Board (CUB):

– Non-profit organization dedicated to reducing utility bills.

– Provides guidance on lowering phone, electric, and gas bills.

– Assists customers with complaints against utility companies.

Rental Assistance

For those seeking budget-friendly rental homes, offers a swift and user-friendly search tool. This platform allows you to explore rental housing based on diverse criteria and special mapping features. Each unit is accompanied by color photos and comprehensive details. Additionally, the service offers links to housing resources and useful tools, including an affordability calculator, rental checklist, and information on renter rights and responsibilities.

Disaster Assistance

Those affected by the severe storms and tornadoes on November 17, 2013, are encouraged to register for disaster aid. Residents can seek assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by calling their toll-free number at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY for the hearing and speech impaired). Online registration is also possible at Further details on disaster recovery resources can be found at

Foreclosure Prevention Grant
Foreclosure Prevention Grant

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Frequently asked questions

What is a foreclosure prevention grant?

A foreclosure prevention grant is financial assistance provided to individuals or organizations to support initiatives aimed at preventing foreclosures. These grants often fund programs that offer counseling, financial aid, and education to at-risk homeowners.

Who provides foreclosure prevention grants?

Foreclosure prevention grants can be offered by various entities, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, and financial institutions. They aim to address the challenges faced by individuals or communities at risk of foreclosure.

What types of activities do foreclosure prevention grants typically support?

Foreclosure prevention grants may support activities such as housing counseling, legal services for homeowners, financial assistance programs, public education campaigns, and initiatives to address specific challenges contributing to foreclosures.

How can individuals or organizations apply for foreclosure prevention grants?

The application process for foreclosure prevention grants varies by provider. Typically, interested parties need to submit applications detailing their proposed initiatives, impact assessments, and how the funds will be utilized to prevent foreclosures.

Are foreclosure prevention grants only for homeowners, or can renters benefit too?

While the primary focus is often on homeowners, some foreclosure prevention grants may also address challenges faced by renters, especially in cases where properties are at risk of foreclosure, impacting tenants.

What are the eligibility criteria for receiving a foreclosure prevention grant?

Eligibility criteria can vary based on the grant provider. Common factors include the nature of the proposed initiative, the targeted population (e.g., low-income homeowners), and the potential impact on preventing foreclosures.

Can businesses or communities apply for foreclosure prevention grants?

Some grants may be open to businesses or community organizations that play a role in preventing foreclosures. Eligibility criteria will depend on the specific focus and goals of the grant program.

How can individuals find out about available foreclosure prevention grants?

Information about foreclosure prevention grants is often disseminated through government agencies, non-profit organizations, and financial institutions. Checking official websites, community resources, and contacting relevant authorities are common ways to stay informed.

Conclusion on foreclosure prevention grant.

Foreclosure prevention grants play a crucial role in addressing the challenges faced by individuals and communities at risk of losing their homes. These grants, offered by various entities such as government agencies, non-profit organizations, and financial institutions, aim to provide financial assistance and support programs that empower homeowners to navigate the complexities of foreclosure. The eligibility criteria, application process, and focus of these grants can vary, but they generally target initiatives such as housing counseling, legal services, financial aid, and public education campaigns. As we navigate the complexities of housing issues, staying informed about available resources and proactively seeking assistance through foreclosure prevention grants can contribute significantly to fostering housing stability and community well-being.


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