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Biotech Jobs in Canada – Top Guide 2023

Are you interested in Biotech Jobs in Canada? then read on as this article would guide you through the requirements and every other information you need to know as regards Biotech Jobs in Canada.

Biological technologists and technicians assist scientists, engineers, and other professionals in fields such as agriculture, resource management, environmental protection, plant and animal biology, microbiology, cell and molecular biology, and health sciences, or work independently in these fields.

Governments, food manufacturers, chemical and pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, health, research and educational institutions, environmental consulting firms, and resource and utility companies use them in both laboratory and field settings.

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Biotechnology Employment & Job Requirements in Canada

The following qualifications are necessary for employment in biotechnology in Canada: 

  • To become a biological technician, one must typically complete a two- to a three-year college program in agriculture, biology, microbiology, wildlife management, or resource management. 
  • To work as a biological technician, one must complete a one- to a two-year college program in a related discipline. 
  • It is optional to become certified with provincial associations. 

With a vast network of research hospitals, universities, labs, and businesses, Canada is a global leader in biotechnology (bio-economy). The national sector council for the biotechnology industry is called BioTalent Canada

Both field and laboratory biotechnology jobs are available in Canada for technologists and technicians. Employers can include the government, companies that produce food products, chemical and pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology firms, hospitals, research universities, environmental consulting firms, and resource and utility firms.

Biotech Jobs in Canada

Prior to Relocating to Canada:

Here are some actions you can take before moving to Canada to increase your chances of finding a biotechnology job: 

  • Do some research on the Canadian labor market to find out what abilities, knowledge, and credentials you need. 
  • To learn how to sell your experience to employers and assess your readiness for employment in Canada’s biotechnology sector, check out the resources provided by BioTalent Canada. 
  • Take a self-assessment of your language abilities on the Canadian Language Benchmarks website. 
  • Develop your language abilities. Because English is the industry standard for communication in the economy, you need to be fluent in the language in order to practice your profession. 
  • Enroll in language classes back home and carry them through to your arrival in Canada. Even if you speak English or French well, it’s beneficial to develop your linguistic abilities. 
  • While you are still in your home country, collect and arrange your official employment, educational, and identity documents. If your documents are not available in English or French, you might need to use a translation service. Inquire with BioTalent Canada to learn what they need. 
  • Learn about the processes, laws, and regulations that apply to the biotechnology industry in the province where you plan to settle. 
  • Make a list of potential employers and be aware of the title of your position in Canada. 
  • Learn how to obtain a driver’s license in Canada and submit an application as soon as you arrive. When you land a job or even when you’re looking for one, it will be helpful.


In Canada, the average biotechnology salary is $32.11 per hour or $62,618 annually. Most experienced workers earn up to $122,592 per year, while entry-level positions start at $48,199.

Find Biotechnology Jobs in Canada 

Biological technologists and technicians fall under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) code 22110. For a summary of the position in Canada, refer to the NOC description. Knowing the various names that biotechnologists in Canada go by is also useful. Knowing this information is beneficial, especially as you start your job search. 

  1. Understanding Job Requirements in Biotechnology 

Close-up on the Bio-Economy, a national study predicts that by 2024, there will be a talent shortage across all sectors of Canada’s economy. Additionally, it projects that an additional 65,000 workers will be required by 2029.

Internationally educated professionals will be a priceless source of talent, given the skills shortage. For those who have the right qualifications and recent immigration experience, this could be a fantastic opportunity. 

Nearly half of the jobs in the bio-economy sector in Canada are in research and development, which spans a wide range of professions. All jobs in the bio-economy are anticipated to face labor shortages, but three sectors will face particularly acute shortages until 2029: 

  • jobs in manufacturing and production 
  • Logistics and distribution 
  • jobs in administration, finance, and management. 

Before moving to Canada, you must, however, thoroughly research the local, regional, and national job markets. Make sure you comprehend the qualifications for the position and the licensing requirements. If your job title is regulated, you might need a certification before you can work in Canada. 

Here, you can learn if your biotechnology job is regulated, as well as the name of the organization in charge of professional certification and licensing.

  1. Employment for Biotechnology in Canada (NOC 22110 – Biological technologists and technicians)

Recognition of Credentials 

It’s critical to conduct research, create a job search strategy, and comprehend the precise skill requirements for your profession. 

The website of BioTalent Canada is a good place to start. The BioSkills Recognition Program assists individuals with international training in filling in any gaps and adhering to Canadian standards. The program will identify your skills and put you in touch with employers in the industry. 

If you can work legally in Canada and speak English well, you are eligible to apply for this program. You can begin the process by submitting a list of your qualifications, experience, and learning skills while you are still in your home country. Once you arrive in Canada, you might be required to participate in a practical test observation. 

When your skills are acknowledged, you will be told that you are BioReadyTM, meaning that you have proven that you possess the abilities needed to perform a particular job function and are qualified to work in the Canadian biotech sector. 

If your skills aren’t recognized for some reason, you’ll be told how to improve them so you can join the program later. 

Additionally, you can enroll in an online BioSynergy Program to aid in your workplace integration. The curriculum includes modules on lifelong learning, leadership abilities, interpersonal relationships, and effective communication. You will have the option to access a coaching module if you want a mentor.

Credentials Assessment Services 

If you want to enroll in a program at a college or university to improve your skills, get in touch with the institution you want to go to. 

The school can help you with the application process and suggest the right agency for credential evaluation. 

Make sure to emphasize your experience and education abroad. 

Before deciding to continue your education, try to expand on your current knowledge and abilities and carefully research your options for university and college. You might be eligible for advanced standing, credit transfer, and options for prior learning assessment. 

Your credentials and experience from abroad may be used to earn credits or course exemptions. By doing this, you can finish your program more quickly without having to spend more money or repeat your previous education. 

Here are some credentials evaluation services you might want to think about: 

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  • World Education Services (WES)
  • Comparative Education Service: University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies
  • International Qualifications Assessment Service – Alberta (IQAS)
  • The International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES)

Click here to discover more businesses that offer services for qualification recognition, assessment, and credential evaluation.

Biotech Jobs in Canada

Best Places to Work in Biotechnology in Canada 

Biotechnology is a rapidly expanding field that combines biology with technology and engineering. By 2029, Canada’s bio-economy is expected to require 65,000 additional workers. Biotechnologists are in high demand due to their applications in medicine, agriculture, and other fields. 

Biotechnology labor market information is available on the Biotalent Canada website. It will assist you in narrowing down your job search by identifying the best areas for biotechnology jobs and where you can offer your skills. 

Before deciding where you want to live in Canada, do some research to see where there is a greater demand for your specific biotech expertise. 

Major Employers in Canada for Biotechnology Jobs 

The majority of biotechnology companies in Canada are small or medium-sized enterprises. They are multidisciplinary and may be involved in various stages of product development, such as research, clinical and regulatory trials, production, and marketing. 

Most biotech companies in Canada face a skills shortage, and there are opportunities in agriculture, biosciences, the environment, health, industrial applications, natural resources, nanotechnology, and genomics. 

Check out Canada’s Best Diversity Employers to see if there are any immigrant-friendly corporations or organizations that you are interested in. 

This distinction honors Canada’s top employers for recent immigrants. These companies provide interesting programs to assist newcomers in adjusting to a new workplace and a new life in Canada.

Enhancing Your Skills to Meet Biotechnology Job Requirements 

Soft skills, which are personal characteristics that improve your interactions, job performance, and career prospects, are highly valued by Canadian employers. Unlike your hard skills, you can use your soft skills in a variety of situations. 

Leadership, teamwork, and communication are important soft skills for biotech professionals. Individuals working in biotechnology are expected to work well in teams, have strong verbal and written communication skills, and collaborate with people from a variety of backgrounds. 

You will be evaluated on your listening, writing, and basic communication skills in addition to your technical knowledge. If your hard skills get you an interview, it is likely that your soft skills will get you the job and help you succeed in it. 

Upgrading your education and skills through a bridging program or other courses and workshops may be an important part of your journey to work in the Canadian bio-economy. 

  1. Upskilling for Biotechnology Jobs in Canada

You may have strong technical skills, but that is not always enough to get or keep a job. You may require additional training or skill enhancement, particularly in the areas of communication and team dynamics. 

It is critical for your future in Canada to be fluent in one or both of Canada’s official languages, English or French. It will depend on which of the two languages most people speak in the area where you intend to live, whether you choose to focus on learning or improving English, the working language in the sector, or French, the country’s other official language. 

Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) may be available to you. Other free or low-cost English as a Second Language (ESL) or French as a Second Language (FSL) classes is available through school districts or settlement agencies. 

There are even language courses that teach you professional jargon, such as job-specific language training and Occupation Specific Language Training (OSLT). Furthermore, if you already speak English well, learning French may provide you with more opportunities. 


Following their arrival in Canada, many immigrants continue their education. Some people want to change careers or advance their careers by earning a Ph.D. or an MBA. A list of Canadian Universities and Colleges can be found here. 

Bridge Program in Biotechnology 

These programs can assist you in “bridging” your international experience and training to Canadian job opportunities. Bridging programs are available at many colleges, universities, and immigrant-serving organizations. You might be able to get one. Conduct some research to find a program that is a good fit for you.


Toronto University (Mississauga) 

Life Science Enterprise Management Certificate 

This program provides a comprehensive certificate in Canadian Biotechnology Enterprise. Canadian biotechnology and bio-policy, occupation-specific language training, workplace culture, and communications training are among the courses offered. The program also provides job placement assistance, mentoring, and personal coaching.

  1. Biotechnology Job Search Techniques 

The outlook for biotechnology jobs in Canada is promising, with more than a third of businesses currently facing a labor shortage. 

However, because the Canadian job market is competitive, you must plan ahead of time for your job search. Furthermore, finding biotechnology jobs in Canada may differ from finding them in your home country. 

It is best to look for work in the province or city where you intend to settle. Furthermore, it is critical to thoroughly research job requirements in the area and develop a plan for finding work. Consider the following tips when looking for biotechnology jobs: 

  • Expanding your search to include alternative careers and industries. 
  • Seek out a biotechnology mentor, such as a retired biotechnology professional, who can provide you with valuable insights and advice while also introducing you to their professional network. 
  • Join immigrant-serving organizations’ business-related job-finding or networking clubs. 
  • Attend industry job fairs and check job boards on a regular basis. 
  • Request assistance from your industry contacts. Inform them that you are looking for work and would like to make industry connections. If a well-known biotech professional can forward your resume to a potential employer instead of you, you’ll have an advantage. 

Check out The PetriDish, a job bank run by BioTalent Canada. You can post your resume here, view job postings, and sign up for job alerts. 

  • Some colleges and associations may keep a job bank or recommend a commercial job site. 
  • If you know what companies you want to work for, check their websites for job openings on a regular basis. Depending on the size of the company, it may be beneficial to connect with someone you know who works there (or someone who knows someone) to help you get your resume to the hiring manager as soon as possible.

Immigration Settlement Organizations 

Most settlement agencies provide free assistance in locating job openings, updating your resume, writing a Canadian-style resume, and preparing for interviews. Learn more about Newcomer Settlement Services in Canada. 

Click here to find immigrant services in your area. 

How to Write a Biotechnology Resume 

There are several approaches to writing a resume for the biotech industry. However, most industry professionals will agree on a few guidelines for writing the ideal resume. 


You, like most scientists, may be modest and do not value your achievements as highly as the rest of the world. List your most relevant biotech accomplishments and strengths when writing your resume. 

Include your accomplishments early in your resume, such as your top-tier school or education, any articles you may have published in top-tier biotechnology journals, your patented work, and any awards you have received. 


Resumes in the biotech industry are organized chronologically, with your most recent experience listed first. Mention your previous employment, including internships, consulting jobs, and volunteer work. 

Hiring managers in the science industry, in general, look for people who have accomplished something unique. As a result, it is critical that you list not only what you have done but also what you have accomplished. 

Remember that any claims you make must be supported by evidence. Use words like ‘identified,’ ‘discovered,’ and ‘determined,’ for example. Because the scientific community is small, people will find out quickly if you give yourself credit for things you don’t deserve, or worse, if you claim to have participated in research projects you didn’t do.

Consult with a Variety of People 

Ask career counselors or people who work at a biotech company for their best advice on resume requirements for the industry when you meet with them. 

Techniques for Biotechnology Job Interviews in Canada 

The biotech industry’s outlook is positive, and whether you’re interested in agriculture, pharmacy, medicine, or bioengineering, you’ll find opportunities. However, before you can get the job, you must first ace the interview. Here are some pointers to help you prepare for a biotechnology interview. 

Look for work. 

To be invited to an interview, you must first find a job opening. Check online classified ads and other specialized sites, such as The PetriDish, which only lists biotech job openings on a regular basis. Examine the websites of medium to large pharmaceutical companies as well. When you find an opening, see if you know anyone at the firm; reaching out will likely get your application more attention. 

Maintain your current status. 

Staying current about the industry in Canada will allow you to showcase your knowledge in interviews comfortably. Subscribe to the biotech newsletters or blogs to stay informed. 

Highlight Your Technical Knowledge 

As your potential employer has never seen you at work in the lab, they’ll ask you questions to figure out how you’d perform on the job. You may be asked to solve a hypothetical question so they can assess your depth and technical knowledge. 

Hone Your Interdisciplinary Skills 

Because biotechnology intersects with many disciplines, it is critical to understand the other related disciplines as well. So, while studying or working, make an effort to converse with people from other disciplines and backgrounds. 

Informational Interview 

While job prospects for biotechnologists appear to be promising, landing the next opportunity, particularly for newcomers, may necessitate extra effort and outreach. One method is to request an “informational interview.” This is a brief (20-30-minute) meeting with someone currently working in the biotechnology industry to learn more about the industry in Canada. 

Informational interviews can be an excellent way to practice your communication, research, and interpersonal skills for your job search. 

During an informational interview, you should not try to get a job but rather learn whether a particular position or employer might be a good fit for you. An informational interview with a network contact can be an excellent source of career information. 

In addition to providing basic information about a specific industry (such as that found on a company website), it also provides you with the benefit of a professional’s first-hand experiences and impressions. 

Make a list of all the biotechnology companies in your area. Then, use professional organizations, LinkedIn, and other networking resources to find people you can contact for an informational interview. 


Networking is an important activity that can help you find job leads, learn about the industry, and meet others in your field in Canada. People in your network can also help you find jobs in this “hidden job market” because many job openings are not advertised. 

Meeting other professionals, developing relationships, and exchanging information will benefit you. You may even learn about job opportunities that you would not have discovered otherwise. 

Conferences, professional associations, and online spaces such as LinkedIn are all excellent places to network. LinkedIn is an excellent resource for reconnecting with former colleagues and employers, searching for companies and jobs of interest, and connecting with others in your field. You can also join related professional organizations. But keep in mind that it takes time to cultivate and grow the connections you make through networking. Nothing happens overnight, so you must be patient.

  1. Biotechnology Association in Canada

BioTalent Canada is a national sector council that provides licensing and certification information. It also provides opportunities for professional development, education, networking, and resources. 

You’ll find resources on understanding the Canadian workplace, occupation-specific language skills, document comprehension, and critical thinking skills. The website also contains labor market studies and news to help you understand the industry in Canada, as well as its opportunities and challenges.

Professional Immigrant Networks 

Professional immigrant networks are volunteer-run member-based associations or networks founded by and for immigrant professionals with the goal of: 

  • create a forum to contribute to and enrich their respective communities 
  • and provide opportunities for their members to find meaningful employment and achieve their professional goals. 

These organizations provide networking opportunities, mentoring, information sessions, professional development opportunities, and job leads.

Nova Scotia

Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (isans)


Professional Immigrant Networks (Toronto)


Calgary Region Immigrant Employment Council (CRIEC)

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