Admissions Statistics

UCSD Acceptance Rate by Major: Discover the Most Competitive Programs

Are you interested in UCSD Acceptance Rate? It is very important if you’re considering applying to UC San Diego. You may be wondering about the acceptance rate by major. While the overall acceptance rate for UCSD is around 37%, the acceptance rate by major can vary widely. Some majors are more competitive than others, and some programs’ acceptance rates can be as low as 5%.

Computer Science is one of the most competitive majors at UCSD, with an acceptance rate of around 9%. Other popular majors, such as Biology and Psychology, have relatively low acceptance rates of around 18% and 15%, respectively. On the other hand, some majors are less competitive, such as Urban Studies and Planning, which has an acceptance rate of around 60%. Understanding the acceptance rate by major can help you make informed decisions about which programs to apply to and how to prepare your application.

It’s important to remember that the acceptance rate by major can vary from year to year and may depend on factors such as the number of applicants and the strength of the applicant pool. Additionally, some majors may have additional requirements or prerequisites that can affect the acceptance rate. By researching the acceptance rate by major and understanding the factors that can affect it, you can make the best decisions about your college application process.

UCSD Acceptance Rate

UCSD Acceptance Rate Overview

If you consider applying to UCSD, you may wonder about your major’s acceptance rate. While the acceptance rate varies by major, it’s helpful to understand the university’s acceptance rate and how it has changed over time.

Overall Acceptance Rate

According to UCSD’s admissions statistics, the overall acceptance rate for first-time freshmen for the fall 2022 term was approximately 23.7%. This means that out of the 131,245 freshman applications received, only 31,160 were offered admission. Remember that this is just a general guide to selectivity and not a predictor of your chance for admission to UCSD.

Trends Over Time

Over the past few years, UCSD’s overall acceptance rate has remained relatively stable. 2021 the overall acceptance rate was 26.3%, compared to 23.7% in 2022. This slight decrease in acceptance rate may be due to an increase in the number of applications received or changes in the university’s admissions criteria.

It’s important to note that acceptance rates can vary widely by major. For example, some of the most competitive majors at UCSD include computer science, engineering, and biology, which may have acceptance rates lower than the overall acceptance rate. On the other hand, some majors may have higher acceptance rates than the overall rate.

Wwhile UCSD is a competitive university, don’t let the acceptance rate discourage you from applying. Remember that your chances of admission depend on various factors, including your academic performance, extracurricular activities, and personal statement.

Most Competitive Majors

If you’re applying to UCSD, you’re probably wondering which majors are the most competitive. While all majors at UCSD are highly respected, some programs are more selective than others. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at the most competitive majors at UCSD.


Engineering is one of the most popular majors at UCSD but also one of the most competitive. The acceptance rate for engineering majors is typically lower than the overall acceptance rate for the university. The acceptance rate for some engineering majors can be as low as 5%. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in engineering, be prepared to work hard and stand out from the crowd.

Computer Science

Computer Science is another highly competitive major at UCSD. With the rise of technology and the demand for skilled computer scientists, it’s no surprise that this program is in high demand. However, this popularity means that the acceptance rate for computer science majors is relatively low. In 2023, the acceptance rate for computer science majors was around 8%. If you’re interested in computer science, have a strong academic record and highlight any relevant experience.


Biology is a popular major at UCSD but is also one of the most competitive. With a high demand for medical professionals and researchers, the acceptance rate for biology majors is typically lower than the overall acceptance rate for the university. In 2023, the acceptance rate for biology majors was around 12%. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in biology, have a strong academic record and highlight any relevant experience.

To pursue one of these majors, be prepared to work hard and stand out. While these majors are highly competitive, they are also highly respected and can lead to rewarding careers.

UCSD Acceptance Rate

Factors Affecting Acceptance Rates

When applying to UCSD, several factors can affect your acceptance rate, including your GPA and test scores, extracurricular activities, and application essays.

GPA and Test Scores

Your GPA and test scores are important factors in determining your acceptance rate to UCSD. While there is no minimum GPA or test score requirement, the average GPA for admitted students is around 4.0, and the average SAT score is around 1400.

It’s important to note that GPA and test scores are not the only factors that admissions committees consider. They also consider the rigor of your coursework, the strength of your high school curriculum, and any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your academic performance.

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities can also play a role in your acceptance rate to UCSD. Admissions committees seek well-rounded students who have demonstrated leadership, community involvement, and a passion for their interests.

When listing your extracurricular activities on your application, highlight any leadership positions you’ve held, any awards or honors you’ve received, and any community service or volunteer work you’ve done.

Application Essays

Your application essays are another important factor in determining your acceptance rate to UCSD. Admissions committees seek students who can articulate their goals, passions, and experiences clearly and compellingly.

When writing your essays, stay focused on the prompt, use specific examples to illustrate your points, and proofread carefully for grammar and spelling errors.

While there is no guaranteed way to increase your acceptance rate to UCSD, focusing on these factors can help you put together a strong application that showcases your strengths and achievements.

When considering the acceptance rate of specific majors at UCSD, it’s important to consider these factors and research each program’s specific requirements and expectations. For example, the Columbia MSW Acceptance Rate may vary depending on the program’s specific admissions criteria.

Tips for Improving Your Chances

If you’re interested in attending UCSD and want to increase your chances of acceptance, you can do a few things to improve your application. Here are some tips to help you stand out from the competition:

Choosing the Right Major

Choosing the right major can greatly affect your chances of acceptance. Some majors are more competitive than others, so it’s important to research and choose a major that aligns with your strengths and interests. For example, the Computer Science and Engineering major is among the most competitive at UCSD, with an acceptance rate of just 7.8%. On the other hand, some majors, such as Anthropology or Ethnic Studies, have higher acceptance rates.

Building a Strong Application

Building a strong application is key to improving your chances of acceptance. This includes having a high GPA, taking challenging courses, and performing well on standardized tests like the SAT or ACT. Showering your extracurricular activities, leadership skills, and community involvement is also important. Be sure to highlight unique experiences or accomplishments that make you stand out from other applicants.

Networking and Connections

Networking and making connections can also improve your chances of acceptance. Consider reaching out to alumni or current students in your desired major to learn more about the program and get advice on the application process. Attending UCSD events and participating in campus organizations can also help you make connections and demonstrate your interest in the school.

Following these tips can increase your chances of acceptance to UCSD. Remember to choose the right major, build a strong application, and network with alumni and current students to showcase your strengths and stand out. Good luck with your application process!

Don’t forget to check out the UCSD Acceptance Rate by Major to see which programs are the most competitive, including the Columbia MSW Acceptance Rate.

UCSD Acceptance Rate

Frequently Asked Questions On UCSD Acceptance Rate

Which majors have the highest acceptance rates at UCSD?

UC San Diego does not release acceptance rates for specific majors. However, according to the UCSD Acceptance Rate By Major analysis from Academicful, the overall acceptance rate for the class of 2026 was about 23.7%. Remember that many UCSD majors are capped, meaning they have limited spots available, making them more competitive.

What are the acceptance rates for Computer Science at UCSD?

Computer Science is one of the most popular majors at UCSD and one of the most competitive. According to Education Scientists, the UCSD acceptance rate for Computer Science is around 7.6%. This means it is a highly selective program, and you must have excellent grades and test scores to be considered for admission.

How competitive is the Biology program at UCSD?

Biology is another popular major at UCSD, and it is also highly competitive. According to Academic, the UCSD acceptance rate for Biology majors is around 24.4%. This means that while it is not as selective as Computer Science, it is still a challenging program to get into.

What is the acceptance rate for Engineering majors at UCSD?

Engineering is a popular major at UCSD, and it is also highly competitive. According to Education Scientists, the UCSD acceptance rate for Engineering majors is around 17.5%. This means you will need excellent grades and test scores to be considered for admission.

What is the acceptance rate for Economics majors at UCSD?

Economics is a popular major at UCSD, and it is also competitive. According to Academic, the UCSD acceptance rate for Economics majors is around 25.3%. While it is not as selective as some other majors, it is still a challenging program to get into.

Are there any majors at UCSD that are easier to get into than others?

While it is difficult to say which majors are easier to get into, some majors at UCSD are less competitive than others. According to Education Scientists, some of the majors with higher acceptance rates include Ethnic Studies (56.8%), Global Health (50.6%), and Cognitive Science (41.7%). However, remember that these majors may still be competitive, and you will need strong grades and test scores to be considered for admission.

Overall, UCSD is a highly selective university, and all its majors are competitive. To increase your chances of admission to your desired program, ensure excellent grades, test scores, and a strong application.

Conclusion On UCSD Acceptance Rate

Now that you better understand the UCSD acceptance rate by major, you can make more informed decisions when applying to the university. As you can see, some majors are more competitive than others, and you should consider that when selecting your major.

If you want to pursue an engineering, computer science, or biology degree, be prepared to face stiff competition. These majors have the lowest acceptance rates at UCSD, so you must have a strong academic record and impressive extracurricular activities to stand out.

On the other hand, if you are interested in studying humanities or social sciences, you may have a better chance of being accepted. These majors tend to have higher acceptance rates, but that doesn’t mean you should take them lightly. You still need to try to excel in your classes and demonstrate your passion for your chosen field.

Remember, the UCSD acceptance rate by major is just one factor to consider when choosing a major. You should also consider your interests, skills, and career goals. Don’t be afraid to explore different majors and take classes outside your comfort zone. You never know where your passions may lie.

The UCSD acceptance rate by major is useful for understanding the competitiveness of different majors at the university. By doing your research and putting in the effort, you can increase your chances of being accepted into the major of your choice.


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