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How To Get Grants For Heating And Air Conditioning

With the high rate of weather-related deaths among Americans in the low-income class in recent times, grants for heating and air conditioning looks like the only intervention that could help prevent more deaths this year.

In extreme weather conditions, low-income families in the United States find themselves holding the short end of the stick. And this is why grants for heating and air conditioning are important.

During the summer, temperatures climb to hazardous levels. With the rate of heat-related illnesses rising sharply and leading to deaths across the United States.

At such a time, the solution is to try to lower the heat in your home, by using an air conditioner-a solution that many low-income families cannot afford. 

In colder conditions, the dreaded heat becomes what man craves most. Sadly, there remains another problem. Which is that, low-income families still cannot afford to pay for a home heating system. 

Sounds familiar to you?

We are pretty sure it does!

But, as sad as the situation is, there are solutions. And that is why you are currently reading this article.

Solutions For Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems in 2022

If you are an Americans in need of a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, the solution for you is grants for heating and air conditioning.

All you have to do, is to determine the option that best fits your need, and you are good to go. However, it is important to note, that not all subventions are grants for heating and air conditioning.

In some cases, grants for heating and air conditioning may be in the form of free furnace replacements and the provision of air conditioning units and water heaters. These measures could see your family receive some aid in the payment of your heating and cooling bills and provide basic weatherization services. 

This could go a long way to provide some relief if your family is in dire need of a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system. Such families (in need of grants for heating and air conditioning), should look into the following grants for heating and air conditioning programs: 

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP): A need-based Grant For Heating And Air conditioning

The WAP does not actually give grants for heating and air conditioning. Rather, it is a program based on energy efficiency, as it is measured in terms of its “energy-saving” advantage.

By helping families become more efficient in their use of energy, WAP effectively cuts down energy costs, while also focusing on health. 

Having impacted over 7 million families since it began, WAP currently provides weatherization services to almost 40,000 U.S homes every year. 

And recently, the U.S. Department of Energy announced a funding opportunity to help state, local, and tribal governments enhance WAP and help lower energy costs across the country. 

Eligibility For The Weatherization Assistance Program

To be eligible for, you must be a resident in the state in which you apply. You must demonstrate that you really need help with your home energy costs. In some certain states, preference is given to:

  • Seniors aged 60 years or more
  • Families having at least one disabled member
  • Families who already have children

By implication, you are eligible to receive weatherization benefits if you receive Supplemental Security Income or Aid to Families with Dependent Children.

You must have an annual household income (before taxes) that is below the following amounts:

Annual Household Income Limits (before taxes)
Household Size* Maximum Income Level (Per Year)
1 $27,180
2 $36,620
3 $46,060
4 $55,500
5 $64,940
6 $74,380
7 $83,820
8 $93,260

*lf your household have more than eight members, you will need to add $9,440 per additional person. For accurate application guidelines, check with the appropriate management agencies.

Learn more about the WAP here

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): A need-based Grant For Heating And Air conditioning

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps keep families safe through programs that assist them with energy costs. 

These initiatives are a kind of government grants for heating and cooling which are federally funded. And could include managing costs associated with home energy bills, energy crises, weatherization, and energy-related minor home repairs.

If you aim to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer, LIHEAP can help with this.

They do so through grants for heating and air conditioning programs that reduce the risk of health problems that arise from unsafe heating and cooling practices.

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) does not provide direct grants to individuals. Also, LIHEAP does not charge a fee before giving a grant.

The (LIHEAP) is designed to assist households with low income in meeting domestic heating and medically essential cooling costs.

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Before You Apply For The LIHEAP!

This year, the application closes on June 30, 2022. If you will like to apply, contact any local community action agency or community-based organization around you. 

If you are a senior aged 60 or over, or disabled, packages can be received and returned via mail. Low-income families may also apply through mail on the advice of their local agency. 

To be eligible, applying families must be responsible for home heating or cooling costs. These costs may be direct or as part of their rent. You must also fulfill the gross income requirements as it applies to your state.

However, if you stay in public housing or receive rental assistance, then you are not eligible to receive assistance from this federal government efficiency grant program.

How Much Can You Receive in LIHEAP assistance

How much your family can receive in LIHEAP assistance is determined by certain factors. Such factors include family size, fuel type, heating region, and earnings.

You many also need cooling assistance benefits due to a medical condition. And your checks will be issued directly to an active electric account.

Such an account must be in the system of the issuing state. But, if it is not, the alternative is to issue the check directly to the eligible applicant.

If an eligible family heats with natural gas or electricity, their LIHEAP assistance may be forwarded to their utility company.

In the event that this does not happen, then such families will receive a two-party check which will bear the name of the applying family and their fuel supplier.

But, if your heating costs are included in your rent, then you may receive a check in your name, if you are considered eligible.

To be eligible, you must have an annual household income (before taxes) that is below the following amounts:

Household Size* Maximum Income Level (Per Year)
1 $20,385
2 $27,465
3 $34,545
4 $41,625
5 $48,705
6 $55,785
7 $62,865
8 $69,945

*For households with more than eight people, add $7,080 per additional person. And, always check with the appropriate managing agency to know the most accurate guidelines.

Apply for the LIHEAP by clicking here

Home heating and air conditioning Deals

lf you do not gain access to grants for heating and air conditioning, you may get luck with home heating and air conditioning offers this year. These promotional offers are open to anyone, as long as you know how to take full advantage of it.

But, you can only take part in these promotional offers if you can afford to buy, at least one home heating or air conditioning unit.

The trick is to know when HVAC companies usually offer these promotions, so that you can time your purchase to happen in the promotional offer period.

Usually, there is an increase in home heating systems repair in the winter period. Likewise, extreme heat can lead to more air conditioning repair, after the summer months.

Therefore, there may be promotions for free air conditioners in the winter, when companies need to sell heating systems.
In the same vein, companies may offer furnaces as promotional materials in the hot summer months when they need to sell more air conditioning units.

So, you see that you can also benefit from weather-dependent promotional offers, if you know how to search for them. This could proveb to be a viable alternative to grants for heating and air conditioning.

All you have to do is to weigh your options and make a decision on the one that best suits your needs.

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