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What Are The Best Engineering Jobs in Canada in 2023?

Are you interested in engineering jobs in Canada? Engineering is one of the best-paying jobs in Canada because engineers are needed in almost every industry and sector. 

Many firms urgently need the skill set, and innovative mindset engineers provide in today’s fast-paced world of change and invention.

In other words, it’s a great moment to be an engineer right now. But, there is a significant problem with the availability of engineering positions in Canada.

Source: istockphoto

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Best Engineering jobs in Canada

Electrical Engineer

Electrical engineering is one of the best engineering jobs in Canada, offering many prospects. In Canada, it is one of the most in-demand engineering professions.

Electrical engineers design, develop, test, and maintain the systems utilized in generating and transmitting electricity.

Due to the ongoing trend toward sustainable development and energy efficiency, electrical engineering will continue to be an important and innovative center.

Mechanical Engineer 

Mechanical engineers use the laws of physics when developing, building, and maintaining automated systems.

Like electrical engineers, mechanical engineers continue to hold one of the greatest engineering positions in Canada and are in high demand there. There are many industries where mechanical engineers can work, including mining and the oil and gas sector.

Software Engineer

Software engineering is currently one of the most well-liked engineering disciplines, and many software engineers go on to work for well-known companies like Apple and Microsoft.

Due to the continued demand for these experts and the strength of the technology sector overall, software engineers are among the best-paid engineers in Canada, with many making over $100,000 yearly.

Canada’s population is aging steadily. There is a requirement for professionals like engineers to satisfy the needs of an older population and the medical sector.

Biomedical engineering is one of the best engineering careers because there aren’t enough engineers in Canada who can use and improve medical technology.

Engineers can work in a fast-paced environment and have the chance to save lives and change Canada’s medical landscape in a big way because there are always jobs available.

Civil Engineer

The demand for civil engineers has been gradually increasing over the years to meet the requirement for engineers to help plan, design, and manage new infrastructure projects as well as to help in the maintenance of aging infrastructures.

Civil engineers are likely to be even more in demand in the near future as the effects of infrastructure that is falling apart become clearer and maintenance become more important. Civil engineers are also being used more and more in environmental engineering projects to build and maintain greener infrastructure.

Geotechnical Engineer 

Even though there aren’t enough geotechnical engineers right now, this is one of the jobs that is expected to grow the most and is one of the best engineering jobs in Canada.

Geotechnical engineers study soil, rock, and other natural formations like slopes and embankments to plan and construct the foundations for structures, roadways, tunnels, and other similar systems.

Mining Engineer

Mining engineering needs to provide solutions for two problems: an aging workforce and rising unemployment.

Mining engineers will continue to be in demand because baby boomers are still retiring and need to be replaced by younger engineers.

Mining engineers are among the highest-paid specialists on the market, with yearly wages starting around 60k and climbing well over 100k after a few years.

Source: istockphoto

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How much does an engineer make in Canada?

An engineer in Canada typically earns $75,156 per year or $38.54 per hour. While entry-level positions start at $58,258 per year, the highest-paid professionals can make up to $107,072 annually.

Canada’s highest-paying engineering positions

As a result, you want to work as an engineer. Engineers developed a significant chunk of the infrastructure that supports our contemporary society.

They come up with ideas, design, build, manage, run, build, and maintain different parts of engineering projects. They build infrastructures like highways, bridges, tunnels, dams, and water supply.

The following ten engineering-related jobs in Canada with the highest salaries are listed:


If you like designing the interiors and exteriors of buildings, consider becoming an architect. In Canada, one of the greatest engineering careers is architecture, which also pays well. These esteemed engineers are in charge of building, planning, designing, and supervising construction.

There are a lot of rules and regulations about buildings today that make sure they are safe and stable. It is your job as an architect to create these structures in a way that makes them safe, practical, and beautiful. An architect’s income ranges from $50,137 to $111,412.

Construction Technician 

If you like to start work with your own two hands, construction is for you. On-site project execution is frequently supervised by construction engineers. It may not be as financially rewarding as project management, but it is just as satisfying. Please keep in mind that the higher levels of this payment will go to professionals with a lot of experience who work for good companies. Construction technicians typically earn between $45,883.20 and $112,622.40 per year.

Mechanical Engineer

If you appreciate the sound of an engine revving or the power of a large steam engine, mechanical engineering may be for you.

Power-generating machinery like steam and internal combustion engines are made by mechanical engineers. Mechanical engineers typically earn between $55,351.82 and $119,963.71 per year in income. This makes this profession, on average, one of the top and highest-paying engineering careers in Canada.

Government Sector

Getting a job with the government could be a good idea if you want to keep a steady job that will help you for years to come.

Cities, roads, public transportation, and other projects that need to be built need engineers of all kinds.

A typical pay ranges from $50,764.80 to $122,880*.

Transportation Engineers 

It takes considerable thought and works to build roads, plan towns, and design public transportation. The people who plan, develop, and manage transportation are known as transportation engineers. 

They make it easier for people and goods to move safely between cities and help keep people safe. Our world would be quite different without them. Transportation engineers earns From $55,143.26 on average to $128.347.82 per year* 

Structural Engineers 

Structural engineers plan, design, and keep an eye on the building of buildings, tunnels, and bridges. They usually specialize in particular types of structures.

If you’re interested in building, building bridges, building pipelines, building tunnels, or tunnel construction, this might be the career path for you. Structural engineers can earn between $63,026 and $134,354 annually.

Senior civil engineers 

If you can get a position as a senior civil engineer, your life will be simple. One of the top engineering positions in Canada is this one. Senior civil engineers often work from an office, but they can also go to sites and handle additional tasks as needed. $63,026 to $134,354 is the pay range.

Regulatory officials and engineering inspectors 

When something needs to meet a set of requirements, an inspection must be performed. Inspectors for engineering can assist with it. One of the top engineering careers in Canada is as a regulatory official or engineering inspector.

They inspect machinery, industrial instruments, procedures, and vehicles to make sure they conform with industry and governmental regulations. $53,620 to $140,381 is the pay range for regulatory officials and engineering inspectors.

Project Management 

Every level of a civil engineering project demands a significant amount of labor is finished.

The resources needed to finish a project are usually organized, bought, and managed by the project manager. Project management salaries typically range from $65,175 to $170,456.

Geological engineers 

Engineering geologists use technical and scientific methods to look at rocks, soil, groundwater, and other things to try to figure out how big construction projects will affect certain places. Engineering geologists make an average of $103,382, entry-level field engineers make an average of $59,014, and geologists make an average of $109,398. Geophysicists make an average of $163,754.

Source: istockphoto

Top Engineering job site in Canada

Career In Tech Society

Job bank

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Conclusion on engineering jobs in Canada

As soon as they get to Canada, engineers with international credentials are told to get in touch with their province or territory’s engineering licensing agency. In Canada, engineers need a license to do their jobs fully.

The Engineering Overseas-Education Evaluation Program evaluates the credentials of professionals who got their training abroad. On average, the evaluation takes eight weeks to finish. This evaluation will determine the measures an immigrant engineer must take to get licensed, including retraining, work experience, and tests (earn their P.Eng. designation).

You may work in engineering in Canada before getting your license as long as you are supervised by a professional engineer (P.Eng.).

Bourgeois says that the licensing process isn’t harder for engineers who went to school overseas. He asserts that “they must go through the same process as Canadian students” to prove their education and Canadian work experience.

However, engineers with international education and job experience may believe that the application process to be able to work in Canada is unfair. They may still have trouble finding work even after getting their license.

According to research by Engineers Canada, engineers who studied abroad had a much lower chance of being hired permanently than engineers who were born in Canada.

And reared here, yet they tended to work independently or on contract. Additionally, they are more likely to have managerial or leadership experience.

In terms of immigration, Bourgeois asserts that “specialized and experienced engineers will have more employment options in Canada, as businesses have recruitment needs for particular projects. However, markets will be less robust for fresh graduates.

Even though licensing as an engineer is done on a provincial/territorial basis (each province/territory has its own governing body overseeing the profession), an immigrant engineer can now find a single, comprehensive source of information about how to become licensed in Canada online thanks to a new national resource developed by Engineers Canada and funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (see

FAQs about Engineering Jobs in Canada

Which engineering positions are in demand in Canada?

  • Electrical Engineer. 
  • Mechanical Engineer. 
  • Project Engineer. 
  • Civil Engineers. 
  • Manufacturing Engineers. 
  • Engineering managers. 
  • Alternative energy engineers. 
  • Mining engineers.

What are the most paid engineering positions in Canada? 

  • Civil engineers. 
  • Mechanical specialists. 
  • Building engineers. 
  • Engineering geotechnical. 

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